R1.1 - New UX & UI
Flow Library

- Create, view and delete flows
- Sort flow by favorites, popularity, last edited, and by name
Flow View
- View the list of traces associated with a specific flow
- Edit flow name and description
- Subscribe to flow updates
- Add new traces
- Select from unassigned traces
- Manually upload traces
- Quickly filter by "My traces only”
- Filter any field of the table and remove traces from the flow or attach them to a different flow
Unassigned traces view
- Assign traces to one or multiple flows
- Quick filter by "My traces only”
- Filter any field of the table
Trace Viewer

- Main Timeline (Flame Chart)
- Display slices on timeline, sorted by time
- Display slices full name on hover
- Ability to zoom with WASD or trackpad
- Arrow measurement. Enable you to understand the duration of one function to another
- Ability to add/remove any thread to favorites
- Global Timeline (Aggregation View)
- Display preview of the whole timeline in a condensed view
- Ability to set start and end of the focus zone of the video timeline, synced with the flame graph timeline
- Search
- Connections
- Build new connections
- Build connection with real-time feedback
- Visually highlighting slices available for connections
- Flags
- Ability to add/remove flag
- Ability to drag and change flag position
- Ability to label, change color, and add notes to flags
- Details View
- Display slice info
- Display execution path info
- Execution paths feature
- Ability to show the full execution path available for the selected slice
- Filter out inactive threads and sort remaining threads by start time
- Show only the necessary depth of thread