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Gradle Build Instructions - Android

Follow these steps to instrument your Java/Kotlin Android app with PS Plugin. Once you have successfully built, installed and run the app, you will be able to record and analyze traces.

If you get stuck, please refer to our FAQ for additional steps and guidance, or reach out to customer support.


If your build environment does not allow network access to our servers*, please add to your allowlist. If your network settings prevent adding this endpoint, please reach out to our sales team or customer support.

1. Identify the two levels of files

You will be working with and modifying files at two levels:

  1. The root directory. This is the root directory of your Android project. If your repository is entirely your Android project, it will usually be the top-level folder. The build.gradle (or build.gradle.kts) file at this level is usuall fairly terse, defining a few global dependencies and repositories.

  2. The app directory. This is the folder that actually builds your Android app. It is often, though not always, named app. The build.gradle file at this level is usually more verbose, containing all the dependencies and settings needed to build your Android app.

2. Locate credentials

If you are an existing Product Science user, credentials have been shared with you via one of the following options:

  • BitWarden as the file
  • As part of self-served onboarding found here

Place the file containing your credentials in the root directory of your project.


If your build environment does not allow network access to our servers as specified above, you will be provided with a '' archive instead of a .properties file.
Copy the entire .zip archive to your workspace directory (do not unzip the archive).

3. Add Product Science maven repository for the build

In the root level build.gradle (or build.gradle.kts) file, add the productscience maven url to the repositories block inside of the buildscript block. If you do not have a buildscript block in the file, you can add one at the top-level of the build.gradle file.

    buildscript {
        repositories {
            maven {
                url ""
        dependencies { ... }
    buildscript {
        repositories {
            maven {
                url = uri("")
        dependencies { ... }

4. Add Product Science maven repository to all modules

In your root directory, the project either defines module dependencies in the build.gradle file or
the settings.gradle file. Look in both files to see where it is defined.

Case 1: Your project defines module dependencies in an allprojects block in the root build.gradle file

Add the repository url to the allprojects block in the root build.gradle file.

    allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven {
                url ""
    allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven {
                url = uri("")

If there is no allprojects block in the root build.gradle file, you can add it at the top-level of the file.

Case 2: Your project uses settings.gradle to specify module dependencies (requires gradle 6.8 or later)

The productscience plugin will attempt to instrument all modules of the app, so it is necessary to provide a repository url for all modules. To do this, add the productscience maven repository url to the dependencyResolutionManagement block of settings.gradle. If there is no such block, you can add it at the top-level.

    dependencyResolutionManagement {
        repositories {
            maven {
                url ""
    dependencyResolutionManagement {
        repositories {
            maven {
                url = uri("")

Note: If you use RepositoriesMode.FAIL_ON_PROJECT_REPOS mode, you may experience a failure when one or more modules define their own repositories in their build.gradle files. Switching the mode to RepositoriesMode.PREFER_SETTINGS may solve this problem. Alternatively, you can add the productscience maven repository url to the build.gradle files of those modules. You can also use the method defined above in Case 1 instead of defining them in settings.gradle.

5. Add Product Science plugin to classpath

In the buildscript block of the root build.gradle file, add the classpaths for the transformer-plugin and transformer-instrumentation artifacts:

    buildscript {
        repositories { ... }
        dependencies {
            classpath "com.productscience.transformer:transformer-plugin:0.18.18"
            classpath "com.productscience.transformer:transformer-instrumentation:0.18.18"
    buildscript {
        repositories { ... }
        dependencies {

6. Apply the Product Science plugin

Now you need to enable the plugin in your app build.gradle file.

    plugins {
        id ""
    apply plugin: "com.productscience.transformer.plugin"
    plugins {

7. Add ProGuard rules

If the application uses obfuscation/shrinking via ProGuard, insert a new ProGuard rule to your project by adding the next line to the R8/ProGuard configuration file:

-keep class com.productscience.transformer.module.** { *; }
-keep class com.productscience.** { *; }

Note: Your project may use a different ProGuard file name.

More information about R8/ProGuard configuration can be found here.

8. Build your app

Now you can build your app with Gradle, i.e.:

./gradlew assemble

Once your app is successfully built, you're all set to record and analyze traces! For first-time setup, follow our Device Set-Up Guide. If you've already completed setup, proceed directly to Recording & Uploading Instructions for ongoing analysis.

[Optional] Enable the plugin by build type

If you're using a productscience plugin version greater that 0.12.1, you can selectively integrate the productscience plugin into your Gradle build. You will do this by applying the plugin only to specific build types.

To do this, insert a productScience block at the top of your app/build.gradle file. Inside the ProGuard block, add a block corresponding to the build type (must have the same name) and set enabled to true.

plugins {
    id ""
    id "kotlin-android"
apply plugin: "com.productscience.transformer.plugin" 
productScience {
    psiRelease {
        enabled true

android {
    buildTypes {
        psiRelease {
            minifyEnabled true
        release {
            minifyEnabled true
plugins {

productScience {
    create("psiRelease") {
        isEnabled = true

android {
    buildTypes {
        create("psiRelease") {
            isMinifyEnabled = true

        getByName("release") {
            isMinifyEnabled = true

If the productScience block is missing or empty, the plugin will be applied to all build types. If one or more build types appear in the productScience block, the plugin will be applied only to those build types that have enabled set to true.