Manual Annotation for User Flows
In addition to automatically instrumenting your app, the Product Science SDK provides a userflow
library that enables manual annotation of user flows in your code.
This can be useful for tracking and comparing timing changes between specific events across traces.
The steps to add and use the library are below.
Add the userflow library as a dependency in app/build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation "com.productscience.userflow:userflow:0.18.18"
Annotation Process
There are three static methods used to annotate user flows:
Each of these methods takes a string argument (UserFlow ID) and a nullable String argument (comment message).
Import UserFlow class.
import com.productscience.userflow.v2.UserFlow;
1. Starting a UserFlow
To start a UserFlow, call UserFlow#start
and pass it an ID and a String message.
// ...
// or
UserFlow.start("appStart", "Comment message")
2. Annotations UserFlow's milestones
While a UserFlow is in progress, you can make calls to UserFlow#custom
passing the UserFlow ID and a String message.
This can be useful to annotate events along the UserFlow (e.g., reaching a milestone or annotating different conditional paths among others).
UserFlow.custom("appStart", "UserFlow hit a milestone")
3. Ending a UserFlow
To end a UserFlow, call UserFlow#end
passing the ID of the UserFlow to end and an optional String message.
// or
UserFlow.end("appStart", "One more comment message")
UserFlow Annotations on PSTool
An example of a slice added via the UserFlow Annotations library. The gray flag on the trace is automatically created for events marked by these slices.
Sample app
There is a sample app demonstrating the use of the userflow library at:
Project Integration
If you want to enable UserFlow Annotations to be used with Regression Analysis feature, you should enable UserFlow#setRegressionAnalysisEnabled(true)
CAUTION: this method can enable some extra work. You will have to take steps to ensure that regression analysis is disabled in production builds.