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R1.8 - Support of Swift 6, Xcode 16, and custom clone paths

We are happy to introduce an update to the iOS version of PS Tool.

This latest version of PSCliCodeInjector supports Swift 6 and Xcode 16.

What else is new?

The latest version also adds support for the -clonedSourcePackagesDirPath and -derivedDataPath flags. These flags are passed to all xcodebuild commands, including those handling Swift Package Manager (SPM) dependencies, ensuring consistent directories for local dependencies and build caches between standard and PS builds when it's possible.

This enhancement aligns with xcodebuild functionality, allowing you to specify custom paths for cloned source packages and derived data, thus maintaining a consistent build environment across different build types.

How to implement?

You can supply these flags in two ways:

  • Within the -console-build-command: Include the flags in your console build command.
  • As direct parameters to PSCliCodeInjector: Pass the flags directly when invoking PSCliCodeInjector.