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Integration for JVM based app

The JVM Agent allows both dynamic attaching to an already running JVM application and starting the application with the Agent attached.

Attaching the Agent to a Running JVM Application

Attaching the Agent is described on the integration page. Run your application as usual, then attach the CodeTuner Agent using the following command:

java -jar code-tuner-agent.jar \
    --pid <PROCESS_ID> \
    --control-panel-url <PS_CONTROL_PANEL_URL> \

Running the Application with the Agent Attached

To attach the agent at startup, follow these steps:

1. Set environment variables

  1. PS_CONTROL_PANEL_URL - - The URL for the Control Panel, provided by Product Science.

  2. PS_AGENT_APPLICATION_API_KEY - The security token, provided by Product Science.

  3. PS_AGENT_APPLICATION_NAME - The name of your application.

2. Modify command to run the app

Typically, you run the application with a command like this:

java -jar myapp.jar

To attach CodeTuner Agent command should be modified to:

java \
    -jar myapp.jar

If you need to analyze several instances, the agent should be attached to all of them. The same URL, application name, and token can be used for each instance.